The use of the actual state of the art in electronics and electro mechanics has made possible a fresh new concept in banknote recycling that makes this technology affordable by any bank or retailer..
The TCR 250 makes possible the simple service routine device on the market. Just some minutes of basic training is enough for the staff of the branch to be able not only to use it, but also to perform basic service issues, like cleaning, note jams, etc.
There are no screws needed to lose if you need to open the note validator, nor the transport.
The device handles paper and polymer banknotes with transparent areas. It can scan checks, at same speed with enough resolution for OCR recognition.
The TCR 250 TCR is built using "hybrid" recycling technology (drum and stacker) allowing replenishment or extraction of the banknote without being handled by the operator manually. It provides as well much higher storing capacity.
Physical escrow outside the safe box of 450 or 900 banknotes capacity, fully compatible with the rest of recycling cassettes. Template options for up to 144 denominations.
Why we suppose the TCR 250 is better option for your branch? The main issue is you will not find most of TCR 250 standard features in other equipment of the same price level from other vendors.
Reduced dimensions, makes it fit below standard table height. Shareable by two or more tellers.
Simplicity and serviceability. The TCR 250 TCR is so simple, that any branch staff member after one hour training will be able to remove any note jam that can happen during working activity. It doesn't either need to unscrew any part to get access to the note validator, nor horizontal and vertical transport and cassettes.
This function, cannot be found in devices with much higher pricing than the TCR 250. This function is used to recognize and save in DB serial numbers of notes and numbers of checks. The function is very useful in disputes with clients, CITs and regulators. Just imagine the situation (typical in some Africa, East Europe and Asia countries) when bank officer is returning the counterfeit note to customer, who is claiming the different note is returned by the teller! The receipt with serial numbers or full image will cool this kind of cheaters!
CEN IV safe. & CAT 3, CAT 4 and Cat 5 safe