SPS700 & SPS800 Smart POS Solutions


Why Smart Point of Sale Cash Automation?

Let your customers pay quickly and easily with both coins and notes at the checkout Tills.

SPS700 & SPS800

Enhance Cash Payments at Point of Sale – SPS700 & SPS800

The new Smart POS Solution is the fully automated Point of Sale recycling solution that minimizes manual cash handling at till areas. Its designed to make every transation Faster, easier, accurate and secure. By automatically accepting and counting your customers Payments and then calculating their change and dispensing it to them without you cashier having to handle any money.

It offers your customers improved service with smooth and intuitive payments, always with correct change. while preventing the incidence of counterfeit notes acceptance, counting errors, shrinkage and human counting error. And gives cashiers more time To interact with the customer. Thus giving a better customer experience.

  • World Leading Sensor Technology
  • Counterfeit Note Detection
  • Conveniently Small Footprint
  • Fully Automated Recycling


1 Note per second deposit/dispense


200 Notes

Total Capacity

600 Notes

Recycling Storage

100 Notes per Denomination, 4 Denominations (400 Notes Total)

Cash Transport

Transport Unit 1200 Notes


Multi-Currency as Option


300mm (11.8in)


440mm (17.3in)


807(856)mm (31.8in)

Safe Grade

2mm Steel Front Access

Introducing benefits of Second generation in Front Office Solution
  • High Flexibility in cash management
  • Better Hygiene
  • Monitor where you cash is in your business
  • Integration time with SW POS drastically reduced
  • Employee don’t touch cash
  • Installed from the top of the counter. Ergonomic and easy Installation

Integrate into POS platform with full back office monitoring